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Frequently Asked Questions

Questions About Health and Wellness.

To determine how many times you can try IVF, you will be judged on certain parameters like:

  • Clinical profile of patient
  • Age of Female partner
  • Response to the previous IVF cycle
  • Financial position

If the above criteria are met then at the most you are eligible for 3-4 attempts. It is true that any surgical procedure has its inherited risk but the overall rate of surgical complication during egg collection is minimal. 

There are primarily two protocols: Long and Short. The short protocols begin within the first 3 days of menstrual cycle while the long protocols (conventional) begin after 21 days of previous cycle.  

This is one of the most sought after questions during the initial stages of consultation and many are under the impression that it does increase the chances of multiple birth. There is no guarantee that you will conceive multiple births after the doctor has transferred the embryo. It is advised not to have any expectations but hope for the best in such cases.

As of now, there is no cure for diabetes. Those with type 1 need life-long insulin injections. Those with type 2 can bring it under control with a regimen of medication, diet and exercise. Rarely, there might be a window period where the doctor might discontinue medicines, but it usually recurs. 

Yes, as genetic factors are responsible for development of diabetes, those with parents or siblings with diabetes are more likely to get diabetes.